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European e-Leadership Initiative to Deliver Skills for an Innovative and Competitive Europe - European Education landscape researched

There is a large consensus in European on the growing demand for leadership in ICT innovation, increasingly referred to as 'e-leadership'. Recent...

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The European Commission is asking empirica to develop an e-skills Vision

The European Commission is asking empirica to develop an e-skills Vision, Roadmap and Foresight Scenarios for the time until 2020. The Directorate...

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Quality labels for training fostering e-skills

A new study has been awarded to empirica by the European Commission. Empirica together with EXIN and an international group of

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empirica and the Work Research Centre

empirica and the Work Research Centre, Dublin have been awarded and started the second phase of the Work+Care project for...

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The European Commission DG INFSO & Media has awared a contract

The European Commission DG INFSO & Media has awared a contract on "eCareBench - Coping with an ageing population - Learning from good eHealth and...

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International study on the the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities started by empirica

International study on the the management of intellectual property in knowledge transfer activities started by empirica. Empirica has been...

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empirica presented the results of the ICEAC study on "Analysis of the role of Creativity and Innovation in school curricula in the EU27"

empirica presented the results of the ICEAC study on "Analysis of the role of Creativity and Innovation in school curricula in the EU27" at an...

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empirica successfully completed a study for DG EAC on “CULTUREMAP - Study on the mapping and evaluating

empirica successfully completed a study for DG EAC on “CULTUREMAP - Study on the mapping and evaluating of...

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empirica has been successful with a bid for an EU service contract by DG ENTR

empirica has been successful with a bid for an EU service contract by DG ENTR on the evaluation of the implementation of the “e-Skills for the 21st...

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